AMOG Consulting is able to perform detailed dynamic analyses for multiple line systems using state-of-the-art cable dynamics packages Orcaflex, Riflex and Flexcom, complemented by mooring design tools such as ARIANE and AQWA, VIV analysis tool Shear 7 and a variety of other in-house software packages. AMOG is able to analyse and design a range of riser systems including: flexible risers, top-tensioned risers, steel catenary risers, hybrid risers, and single leg offset risers. AMOG can draw upon a large inhouse library of floaters, turrets, mooring systems, riser configurations and metocean data to help select, benchmark and define riser configuration concepts. AMOG Consulting is able to support clients by offering the following services in relation to riser system design:
- Concept Definition Studies & Support
- FEED Studies
- Full Field Detailed Design
- Verification Support
- Dynamic Analysis of Riser Systems
- Riser, Hose and Umbilical Integrity Management
- Riser & Umbilical Ancillary Selection
- Riser Fatigue Assessments
- Riser Design Modification
- Mid-Water Arch Design
- VIV Analysis & Suppression
- Riser Installation Analysis
- Materials & Insulation Selection
- Mooring / Riser Clashing Analysis