Authentic commitment to process safety is the cornerstone of process safety excellence. Management commitment has no substitute.
Organisations generally do not improve without strong leadership and solid commitment. The entire organisation must make the same commitment. A workforce that is convinced that the organisation fully supports safety as a core value will tend to do the right things, in the right ways, at the right times, even when no one is looking. This behaviour should be consistently nurtured, and celebrated, throughout the organisation. Once it is embedded in the company culture, this commitment to process safety can help sustain the focus on excellence in the more technical aspects of process safety:
- Assurance of the integrity of an organisation's operation requires visible leadership commitment and accountability at all levels of the organisation
- Compliance with standards and legislation is a fundamental requirement for organisations
- Control of operations depends upon having competent people in position
- Achieving high levels of process safety performance requires the commitment of the whole workforce
- Establishing and maintaining stakeholders' confidence is a key factor in maintaining an organisation's licence to operate.
Some of the services AMOG can offer to support you operations are:
- Implementation of Process Safety Management Systems
- Safety Case Development and Support
- Regulatory Compliance
- Process Safety Training Courses
- Competence Management Systems