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AMOG is pleased to announce that we will be supporting BP on the riser verification of the Tortue/Ahmeyim Field Development Project. 

In Sydney today, AMOG Pty Ltd signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Thales to provide Systems Engineering in support of Thales’ bid for the LAND 159 / LAND 4109 Program. Part of a sustained investment in Australian Army defence capabilities, this program is for the acquisition and through life support of small arms and direct fire weapons support systems.

After an undetected CALM buoy mooring line failure, continuing operation of the terminal can have catastrophic consequences in the event of a second mooring line failure, particularly if the incident were to occur during offloading.

This can have significant environmental and economic implications.

AMOG has developed Smart systems to automatically detect failures.

Early detection of a change in system behaviour can enable processes to be put in place to develop modified offtake procedures, potentially allowing offloading to continue whilst mooring line repair is coordinated and executed. This significantly reduces the risk of further failure and the resulting environmental and economic ramifications.

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En la XV - Jornada de Operadores de Terminales Marítimo Petroleros y Monoboyas SLOM 2019 Andrés Tovar, de AMOG Consulting realizará la presentación Daño y Desgaste Prematuro de Mangueras y Cabo Hawser, Corrigiendo el Problema.

“En nuestra XV Jornada usted vivirá una experiencia inspiradora donde lo académico, lo comercial y el networking de la operación y mantenimiento de Terminales Marítimo Petroleros, se encuentran en un mismo lugar” SLOM

Victorian-based Advanced Magnetic Ranges Australia Pty Limited (AMRA), a joint venture combining the engineering expertise of AMOG with French naval technology specialist ECA Group, has just submitted their bid for the Royal Australian Navy’s Magnetic Treatment Facility, known as project SEA1350 Phase 2.

AMOG CEO, Ben Clark, has confirmed that AMRA’s submission, “Includes an impressive list of Australian subcontractors and SMEs who will ensure that Australian industry content is maximised, whilst delivering the best global technology from ECA Group.”


AMOG's Andres Tovar will be presenting on “Hawser and Hose Arrangement Damage and Premature Wear, Correcting the Problem”, at SLOM 2019, XV - Jornada de Operadores de Terminales Maritimo Petroleros y Monoboyas.

During the XV Jornada, you’ll live an inspiring experience where the academic, commercial, and netwotking of the oil marine terminal operations can be found all in one place” SLOM