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Earlier this week, AMOG's Cherie Holland was a keynote speaker at the National Major Hazard Facililties Forum in Sydney, hosted by SafeWork NSW. Workshops, panels and keynote speakers talked abour near misses, reducing hindsight bias, measuring safety, and assessing MHF regulations. 

AMOG will be presenting at the Trinidad and Tobago Energy Conference later this month. Supporting the conference theme: Maximising Value through Collaboration, AMOG's Andrew Kilner (Senior Vice President of AMOG Consulting Inc) will be presenting a technical paper on "Strategies for Managing Ageing Offshore Platforms."

Marine-i is supporting AMOG with the next phase of testing of the AMOG's wave energy device.

Wave energy is an area in which the company has developed significant expertise and the team have worked together to invent the concept for a revolutionary new kind of wave energy device.

AMOG is extremely excited with today's official announcement of our collaboration with Thales. A copy of the Media Release from the Office of The Hon Christopher Pyne MP, Minister for Defence Industry, can be found below:

AMOG will be presenting two technical papers at the 23rd SNAME Offshore Symposium in Houston, TX, on February 14, 2018. Project Engineer with AMOG Consulting Inc, Phillip Kurts, will be presenting on both the The Efficacy of Inverted Helical Strakes, and the Optimization of Calm Buoy Export Terminal Availability.

AMOG and Rio Tinto Iron Ore will present techniques and a case study that demonstrates a step-change improvement in the performance and management of critical assets.