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The 9th Annual ProSafe Conference is on again - looking at implementing process safety excellence initiatives for maximum risk control and incident prevention. As leaders in the provision of safety engineering and safety management services to high risk industries, AMOG's Chris Van Berendonck will be at ProSafe 2017 to answer any questions you may have on

OTC 2017 will see AMOG presenting 5 technical papers over the course of conference proceedings next week (1-4 May 2017) in Houston, Texas.

You can register to attend OTC and come and see Prof Andrew Potts, Andrew Kilner, and Phillip Kurts present on topics such as; LGS Technology; Robustness Criteria for FPSO Design; Mooring Chains and Break Strength; Low Cost Quant Inspection Techniques; and Mooring Line Dynamic Behaviours.

Details are listed below.

Late last month, AMOG's Dr Hayden Marcollo and Gary Farrow presented technical papers at the 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE) conference in Trondheim, Norway. Their presentations covered drilling riser case studies, fatigue performance of offshore mooring chains, and a new wave energy converter.

AMOG is proud to have, once again, been a sponsor of the Monash Engineering Students' Society in 2017 and support the advancement of local engineering capabilities.

Last month, AMOG presented at the 2017 International Oil Spill Conference in Long Beach, California. AMOG's presentation was based on our recent contract with the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) in the USA, to develop a Decision Support Tool (DST) to assist planners with the aerial application of dispersants and identify operational windows and safety setback distances, with consideration of forecast meteorological conditions, aircraft types, and release rates.

Want to know more about AMOG's Longitudinally Grooved Suppression (LGS®) technology for drilling risers and understand how it can save both time and money, whilst improving safety? Perhaps you would like to understand the challenges and benefits of advanced modelling of in-air lifts illustrated by a full case study. Come and see AMOG's Adrian Eassom and Stuart Wales present at AOG.