To encourage and reward the development of outstanding talent in the field of Engineering
To encourage and reward the development of outstanding talent in the field of Engineering, AMOG has established the “AMOG Consulting Emeritus Professor Paul Grundy Memorial PhD Scholarship in Engineering." As a leader in identifying innovative and cutting edge solutions to complex and challenging problems, AMOG actively encourages engineers to 'look outside the square' to find better ways to solve difficult problems. Through this scholarship, AMOG hopes to inspire the engineers of tomorrow to excel in their engineering endeavours and be leaders in their field.
For the inaugural "AMOG Consulting Emeritus Professor Paul Grundy Memorial PhD Scholarship in Engineering" AMOG has chosen Miss Han Fang. Miss Han Fang, a final year PhD student at Monash University, impressed the panel with her intelligence, engaging manner and her passion for Engineering and was a stand out candidate. AMOG is extremely pleased to be able to offer her this Scholarship.
Miss Han Fang will receive a top up Scholarship to pursue her full-time PhD program of research in the Faculty of Engineering at Monash University as well as providing 6 weeks industry employment at AMOG Consulting in 2014 to complement her research endeavours.
The AMOG Consulting Emeritus Professor Paul Grundy Memorial PhD Scholarship in Engineering will be officially presented to Miss Han Fang at the 5th Annual Monash University Civil Engineering Postgraduate Conference in November.
AMOG congratulates Miss Han Fang on being the inaugural winner of the AMOG Consulting Emeritus Professor Paul Grundy Memorial PhD Scholarship in Engineering.
History of the Award
2015 - Ms Han Feng
About Emeritus Professor Paul Grundy AM
Emeritus Professor Paul Grundy AM was a founding partner of AMOG Consulting, then known as the Australian Marine & Offshore Group, when the business first started in 1991. He was a long serving Director of AMOG and was involved in many large projects that the company undertook. Most notably he worked extensively on the Reliability of Bulk Carriers project, which was funded by the Australian Maritime Engineering Cooperative Research Centre for (AMECRC) and for which BHP Transport was a key partner and sponsor. Motivated by a desire to improve safety standards in this industry, Prof Grundy worked on the project which included instrumenting an actual bulk carrier, extensive numerical modeling and a vast array of seminars and conferences to highlight the research and findings.
In 1998 Prof Grundy co-founded the Monash University Offshore Engineering Program which offers Masters by Coursework degrees in Offshore Engineering disciplines, whilst also running industry short courses in a range of areas relevant to fixed, floating and subsea facilities engineering for the offshore oil and gas sector.
In 2012 Prof Grundy was awarded the Anton Tedesko Medal by the ISBSE Foundation for the Advancement of Structural Engineering – 'In recognition of his dedication to excellence in structural engineering and his role as a mentor for young engineers.' Many AMOG current and former staff will remember the dedication that he showed to his colleagues, taking time to share his knowledge and act as a mentor and role model.
Prof Grundy will be remembered for his tireless work in structural engineering with a central interest in the performance of structures in hostile environments under extreme dynamic and long term cyclic fatigue loading. This scholarship is to commemorate his work which resulted in research into load spectra, fatigue and fracture, incremental collapse risk assessment and life extension applied to cranes, bridges, ships (bulk carriers) and offshore structures with wrought iron, steel, concrete and composite materials.