Joint Industry Projects (JIP)
With investment in research being central to what we do, AMOG has established a number of Joint Industry Projects (JIPs), where we partner with global organisations to undertake industry-leading research. JIPs use our market leading expertise in analysis, modelling, research and cutting edge technology to advance the body of knowledge available in key fields.
AMOG has established a number of JIPs including:
- SCORCH JIP (Seawater COrrosion Of Ropes & CHains)
- Chain FEARS JIP (Finite Element Analysis of Residual Strength for severely corroded/worn chains )
- Chain WEAR JIP (Development in predicting the long term wear of mooring chain links in operating mooring systems)
- WIPMIC JIP (Water Injection Pipe Microbiologically Induced Corrosion)
- Squall Mooring JIP (Developing improved design practices for single point moored FPSOs, and tandem offtake tankers, subject to squall front loading)
- ROME JIP (ROpe Magnetic imaging)
In addition, we are also investigating JIPs in the following areas:
- Umbilical Dampening JIP (Impact of VIV on umbilical systems)
- Blocking Compound JIP
- Hose Life JIP
- Birdcage JIP (Investigation of bird-cage formation of steel wire mooring ropes for; residual strength, fatigue endurance and improved design practices for prediction & avoidance)
AMOG is also involved in the following joint industry projects:
- ACARP (Australian Coal Association Research Project)
- DeepStar Riser VIV Projects
- DeepStar Mooring Integrity Management JIP