Cherie Holland

Cherie Holland

Rail and Transport Sector Business Development Lead

Executive Director and Chair - AMOG Pty Ltd

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Cherie Holland

  • Bachelor of Science (Mechanical Engineering), Michigan State University
  • Master of Science (Mechanical Engineering), Michigan State University
  • Fellow of Institute of Engineers Australia
  • TÜV Functional Safety Engineer SIS 4066/11

Cherie joined AMOG in 2005 and was previously the Head of AMOG's Safety and Risk Engineering Group. She specialises in expertise in technical analysis, system safety engineering, functional safety engineering and health hazard assessments. Prior to working for AMOG, Cherie was employed in the aerospace industry in the USA and is well experienced in structural design and analysis.

Cherie has particular proficiency in the technical aspects of functional and system safety engineering, including hazard identification, environmental and operational risk, use of Codes of Practice and Standards, and qualitative and quantitative risk assessments. She also acts in the capacity of specialist advisor and consultant for major hazard facilities and explosive ordnance risk management.

Cherie is based in our Melbourne office and can be contacted on +61 3 9542 3700.